Pick What Up?
From Something Awful’s Worst Pick Up Lines topic:
“I’m sine-squared, you’re cosine-squared, let’s get together and be 1″
So. Using. That. Why yes, I am single. Why do you ask?
I've decided to retire this blog — I don't really see myself updating it any time soon, and haven't for over two years anyway. I intend to leave the content on-line for the forseeable future, but have converted it to a static site. As a result, dynamic things like search and comments aren't really going to work.
You can find me on Twitter or on Google+ if you like. Alternatively, I'm usually on IRC as LawnGnome on Freenode.
Thanks for reading!
From Something Awful’s Worst Pick Up Lines topic:
“I’m sine-squared, you’re cosine-squared, let’s get together and be 1″
So. Using. That. Why yes, I am single. Why do you ask?