I've decided to retire this blog — I don't really see myself updating it any time soon, and haven't for over two years anyway. I intend to leave the content on-line for the forseeable future, but have converted it to a static site. As a result, dynamic things like search and comments aren't really going to work.

You can find me on Twitter or on Google+ if you like. Alternatively, I'm usually on IRC as LawnGnome on Freenode.

Thanks for reading!

Archive for the 'Tech Geekery' Category


Tuesday, December 19th, 2006

Apparently PHP developers swear more than other language users. I’m not particularly surprised by that, but I am surprised that C++ was as low as fourth. Seriously, how many times can you overload each keyword and operator anyway?

Now excuse me while I go cut a blue streak on some PHP.

Sometimes, I Hate My Job

Monday, December 11th, 2006

IE6 running on Ubuntu Edgy AMD64

(Thanks to napsilan on Ubuntu Forums for the Wine package and IEs4Linux 2.5 beta 1 for installing IE 5, 5.5, 6 and 7 packages. No thanks to Microsoft for producing such a lousy Web browser that I still have to test compatibility with.)

Laughing, Not Crying (Honest)

Monday, November 20th, 2006


I have read the XML Schema specification and felt as though I understood it. Read into that (and my mental state) what you will.

My Favourite IDE Ever

Thursday, November 16th, 2006

ERROR: null
I’m taking this blatant failure by Netbeans’ installer as further proof that Vim is all the IDE I need.

Send Pocket Protectors

Friday, October 20th, 2006

So, my PEAR account request has been approved. My descent into furry-toothed geekdom continues.
