The Muse-Bone’s Connected to the Radiohead-Bone…
Friday, February 2nd, 2007For some reason I still can’t quite fathom, people have been interested in my Hackfest entry at LCA. Specifically, the entry I put in for the Audioscrobbler question, which asked us to create a program that could interface with the Audioscrobber related artists API. I decided to write a buzzword compliant Web page. So, I’ve uploaded it to for your viewing pleasure. You’ll need a browser with decent XHTML and SVG support. Firefox 2 seems to handle it nicely.
It uses PHP 5 for the little bit of backend processing it requires, but most of the heavy lifting is in Javascript. The only other dependency is the HTML_AJAX PEAR package — I developed against a test release of 0.5.1, but 0.5.0 should work as well.
The files I actually wrote (be warned, they’re messy and undocumented):
- index.php: The entry point for the user. It’s only in PHP so I can control the Content-Type header.
- server.php: The AJAX server which pulls in the Audioscrobber related artists information.
- audio.js: The Javascript that does the heavy lifting of getting the related artists information and spitting out SVG via the DOM to render it.
You can consider these files to be licensed under either the GPL (which was a condition of entering Hackfest) or the MIT License. HTML_AJAX is licensed under the LGPL.